Monday, June 14, 2010


Ok I know it's been awhile... I'm sorry.  Here's what's been going on.  Last week, Tripp started breathing bad.  We changed out his trach several times, but nothing helped.  When we suctioned and suctioned and weren't getting much.  So I called and got an appointment with the ENT.  She looked down his trach and said his secretions were so thick that she could hardly even see the sore underneath.  She said she thought that he had an upper respiratory infection and wanted to start him on antibiotics and then go back up to the higher dose of steroids and taper back down.  I wasn't crazy about starting the antibiotics because he never does well on them.  But by the way he was breathing, I said okay.

So he started on antibiotics that he was supposed to be on for 10 days.  Well after the 2nd day, he started with massive diarrhea.  I immediately stopped the antibiotic and called the pediatrician.  I gave him pedialyte and rice cereal. The diarrhea lasted about 5 days (therefore he got almost NO calories for that time)... and it just stopped "somewhat" yesterday.  It was EXHAUSTING.  I must have changed his diaper every 5-10 minutes for a good two days.  We could barley keep up with diapers.  And my poor baby... his bottom is already raw, so any little amount of poo-poo burned him immediately.  And this just made his bottom even worse.

But the worst part is that I think just going up on the steroids helped his breathing, so he really probably didn't even need the antibiotics.  He had a horrible week for nothing!  But, o well.  We had to at least try.  His breathing got better within 2 days on the high dose of steroids, so I'm guessing that maybe his sore under his trach was getting bigger and needed some shrinking down.

So as of today, the diarrhea is better and the breathing has good days and bad.  The last few nights haven't been great, so I am exhausted and honestly just in a really bad FUNK.  I apologize.  I will try and update again as soon as I can.  I love you all and thanks for all the support!  We truly need it!



  1. Bless his sweet little heart. I am so sorry all that had to happen. I am glad he is doing better, but what an ordeal!! We are praying for you guys.

  2. Oh Courtney...poor little man. You guys are in my prayers. I'm praying those steroids continue to help and for a complete HALT with "everything else".

  3. I know I don't know fully understand your entire situation, and I realize that Tripp has a very rare condition that I know nothing about. I am only suggesting this because it has help my antibiotic sensiitve child so much. She too suffered for horrible diarreha while on antibiotic. At time she had a definate need for the antibiotic though. I always felt so torn making the decision to start the antibiotic and end up with diarreha or not?!?! I have found giving her a probiotic while on the antibiotic to be very helpful in preventing diarreha from starting at all! It works wonders for her, could you consider this for Tripp?

  4. so sad it has been so rough for you guys. praying for all of you!

  5. So sorry for such a rough week. Praying things improve and get back to "normal."

  6. Hi, I don't think I have ever commented. But, I read or check in every day. I am so sorry that Tripp has been so sick. Poor little guy!!! :( I will be praying for him and for you and Randy too.
    Sarah From Oklahoma

  7. I'm so sorry your baby is so sick. I'm a lurker on your blog, but I just had to write this time to share my thoughts and tell you how sorry I am. I'll be praying for his tummy to recover, the soreness on his bum to heal and of course, for his breathing to become easier. I'll also add in a special one for you, his poor mama who feels the most pain watching her child suffer. I hope his sunny smile returns soon and warms your heart, and that you get some much needed rest!

  8. So sorry that Tripp has been feeling yucky lately. Hope the steroids truly do help him with his breathing and you can get a break. It is so hard to see your baby in pain and just not feeling quite right. Prayers are coming your way and I hope you can get some rest. Take care of yourself Courtney, Tripp needs you. Lots of prayers and hugs to you guys. Hope the funk is already gone. Take care. love Leah's Nana

  9. Still praying and thinking of you every day. Call if you need/want to. Love you guys.

  10. Tripp is a warrior indeed!! Hang in there Mom!!

  11. Hi there! I've never commented before, but wanted to say that I found Tripp through Jonah's blog MONTHS ago and have followed closely along ever since. Tripp (and you and Randy) recieves lots of prayers from our house! I decided to comment, and then saw someone else mentioned it too - but please ask about the Probiotics! Again, I know Tripp is a complex case unlike most of our children, but we have severe issues with antibiotics when my son whose now 5 has to have them. When he was about 15 months, someone finally mentioned to me about the probiotics and it was WONDERFUL!! We get them over the counter and they are really inexpensive. We've used "Baby Jarro" (sp?) which was a powder that came from the health food store and more recently switched to Lactinex. It seems to work even better. You can get it at most pharmacies - it is over the counter, but they usually keep it behind the counter in the fridge. It comes in either pill form (we crush them) or powder. Our pharmacy doesn't keep it in stock, but will gladly order it for us.

    Thanks for the update! We'll keep praying!

    ~Dana in Mississippi

  12. No apologizes necessary, Your hands have been tied up taking care of sweet Tripp. Glad he is have better days, will keep you both in my prayers.
