No one really teaches us how to become parents.
We learn from our parents and grandparents.
We read books, we google and we pray that we do the right
things to make us qualify as good parents.
Courtney, when you were very young,
you loved taking care of your dolls.
As you grew older,
you loved taking care of other people's children.
They were always attracted to you and your smile!
After you became a nurse,
you loved taking care of your "little old people".
You REALLY loved it!!
When little man was born,
you were sure to love taking care of him.
I knew you would be an incredible Mom!
I just didn't know HOW incredible!!
You stepped into the unknown world of EB
and gave your ENTIRE self....
For two years and eight months you gave!!
The minute Tripp was born, you showed him nothing but
love, patience, joy, happiness and
I know you prayed for peace for him,
but you gave him peace just by your presence.
From the first breath he took until his last breath in your arms,
you surrounded him with an amazing peace.
He loved your voice and how you smelled.
He loved for you to sing to him and "rock rock" him
and whisper "I love You" in his ear.
You and he had a perfect love.
I watched you bring him peace every day!!
He was happy because all he ever knew was happiness from YOU!
He smiled because of you!
He chuckled because of you!
He danced and shook his booty because of you!
He played his drums in perfect rythm because of you!
He loved Elmo because of you!
He even fussed us because of you!
He lived for two years and eight months
because of you!
You are an AMAZING mom groomed and handpicked by God
to nurture one of his angels.
You did the most incredible job TAKING CARE OF Tripp.
God Himself prepared you well!!
It was such an honor to help you care for him.
Thank you for trusting me with your Angel!
I wouldn't trade a single second of the time I spent with him!
I too wish I could do it 100 more years, minus the pain.
What a brave little soul he is.
He captured hearts all over the world.
He was, is and always will be my HEART!
Grammy's Angel!
I love you and I am so very proud of you Courtney!
I love you Bubba.
You are the strongest little man I will ever know.
You gave each of us a new lesson about
love, patience, kindness, selflessness and generosity
without speaking a word!
You and your mom are heroes to me and many others.
I will miss you every single minute of every single day.
Take good care of your Mom now!
Thank You...
First to God for trusting me to help care for His Angel.
What an amazing gift he was.
First to God for trusting me to help care for His Angel.
What an amazing gift he was.
Then to everyone who had a part in helping Tripp
with his mission on this earth.
His mission isn't over yet,
as he is still bringing people closer to God!!
He has made me and anyone who "knew" him
a much better person.
One last thing...
Courtney assures her Dad and me that she will
be taking care of us in our old age.
I feel extremely comforted by this.
All my love to each of you reading this.
Your love and prayers helped
Courtney through many dark days.
Please continue to pray for her peace.
Courtney's Mom
Tripp's Grammy