Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Today is my 3rd Mother's Day without Tripp.  
I can't believe it. 
Gosh, how I miss everything about him.  
But mostly just being with him.
It just doesn't get easier.  

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies out there. 
Moms who get to hold and kiss their babies. 
Moms who's babies are grown.
 Moms who adopt babies without mommies.  
Moms who never got to meet their babies. 
Moms who are watching their babies suffer.  
And Moms who are trying to survive every single day
 without their babies.  

My love goes out to you all.  
Especially to my very own Mother- who taught me everything I needed to know to be the very best mom I could be.  Who stood beside me though it all... 
and who still prays for my peace every single night. 
 I love you, mom. 
 I would never still be standing if it weren't for you. 



  1. Love your msg Courtney stay strong Tripp is looking down on u and smiling

  2. Though I don't know you, I've been following your story for years now. Happy Mothers Day to you Courtney. You are one of the STRONGEST mama's I've ever come across. You're amazing and Tripp was so lucky to have you.

  3. My heart is very present with you on this day, to be honest it breaks a little too. There are no right or good enough words to express a good sentiment, I just want to bless you in this life, tell you that you are not alone in your hurt, that some how we carry it with you through this web and that your little boy, in His short, but powerful life was much more blessed than many others, because the people who loved him, love him still. The day will come when you will hold him again. Live your life in his honor, but don't stop where he left, live for him, cause he would want you to be happy, peacefully waiting for the day he gets to run into your arms again. God is more than capable of doing that, and much more. Be blessed Courtney, great things await you ♥

  4. I too, have been following your story for a long time. You remain in my prayers daily and especially today. Love and hugs to you.

  5. Thinking of you and all the other mommies who know the ache of child loss on Mother's Day, a day that will never be the same once you've said good bye to them. My heart clenched a little as I read your list of "All the mommies out there" as I realized I fit everyone of the descriptions except the "Moms who never got to meet their babies. I have four grown children whom I hoped for, prayed for and greeted the instant they entered the world. I have three adopted children. I struggle to survive every single day without my youngest daughter and presently we are watching our 13 year old suffer as his body deteriorates. Mother's Day is so bittersweet, so achingly beautiful. Blessings to your sweet momma heart.

  6. Happy Mother's Day, Courtney. I am still following along and praying for you; that it will get easier for you. Hugs & Blessings!

  7. I'm a mommy that never got to meet her child in life, and you are the only one who wished me a Happy Mother's Day. And, from you alone I accept it. I'll never know your pain, but you've taught me strength and endurance, and more about love than I've ever thought I could know. Bless you Courtney for all this gifts you give to others in the midst of your great pain. You are Tripp touched and changed my life for the better. Happy Mother's Day to you sweet girl. May all you days be blessed.

  8. Happy Mother's Day, Courtney. You know that boy is with you, he's too big to be too far away.

  9. Much love to you sweet Courtney~ You are always in my prayers for your Tripp really touched my heart! God bless you! Love, Meme

  10. Happy Mother's Day to you and your mom. God truly blessed you with Tripp. I often visit this site to help me reflect on God's true love. The inspiration that is gained through reading your words and taking it all in is so comforting when I need to step back and view the goodness here. Thank you for sharing. Tripp will live on forever in many hearts. Such a true blessing and joy to see his smile.

  11. I think of you and your sweet drumming angel often. Happy Mother's Day to you, Courtney. You truly are a shining example to us all of what a mother should be.

  12. Happy mothers day courtney. Tripp was so lucky to have u as his momma. And we r so lucky u shared him with us. I miss ur bubba so much he was such a sweet little boy. I hope to get a chance to meet him in heaven

  13. Courtney, Happy Mother's Day to you and your Mother. I think of you all so often - thanks again for updating us on your blog. There are so many people who haven't forgotten and will never forget your family and beautiful Tripp. Hugs to you from Virginia.

  14. Happy Mother's Day to two of the most loving my eyes have ever laid upon. I am so happy you have your Mom. Aren't they just a blessing among the complexity of it all.

    Love to you always.
