Friday, January 1, 2010

Lady Leah receives her wings.

I received the news yesterday that precious Lady Leah passed away.  She had her G-tube placed and 8 teeth pulled on Wednesday and everything had gone well.  On Thursday morning, Leah's heart stopped beating.  They revived her and she went into the PICU, where she passed away in her beautiful mother's arms.  My heart is broken for Meg and Jeff.  I am just at a loss for words.  I absolutely just do not know what else to say.  Please Please pray for Leah's parents that God gives them the strength to get through this difficult time.  I know that Leah is finally pain-free and she is rocking with Jesus and getting all the hugs, kisses, squeezes, and love that she so much deserves.  And I also know that she will be watching over Tripp, Jonah, and all the other EB babies out there.  I want to thank Meg and Jeff- Leah's parents, for giving Leah the best care and so much LOVE so that sweet baby Leah knows how to care for and LOVE our precious babies from heaven.  We love you Leah.  Spread those beautiful angel wings, sweet child.  God Bless you Meg and Jeff.


  1. I was actually coming here to check on you. You hadn't done a post in a while and I just wanted to make sure you guys were doing OK. I didn't realize that you had done a new post.

    The news of Leah's passing is just so heartbreaking! I can't imagine what Meg and Jeff are going through.

    I just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you guys too and just wanted to check in on Tripp and see how he's doing.

    Talk to you soon!

  2. My heart breaks for Meghann and Jeff. I was so happy to hear that everything had went well on Wednesday and then in complete shock when hearing the news today. I have all of you guys in my prayers.

  3. Praying for that precious family. I posted a prayer request on my prayer blog for them.

    Praying for Tripp as well.
