Saturday, January 14, 2012

Heaven's little drummer boy.

My precious angel received his wings today. 
I have had many nightmares about having to write this post. 
He was exactly 2 years and 8 months old.  
It happened within minutes of me picking him up out of bed and rocking him.  
He took his last peaceful breaths in my arms, in his most favorite spot. 
My heart literally hurts more than I ever thought was possible. 
I'm completely lost without him and don't know where to go or what to do when my feet hit the floor.   
I miss him so much it physically hurts. 

Please don't forget to thank God for the PEACE we prayed to him for. 
And please bear with me as I try to pull myself together. 
I will let everyone know as soon as I decide on the details of his services. 
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the support through this unbearable time.
I know he's flying high, pain free, and talking Jesus' ear off... 
But that doesn't take away this selfish feeling of wanting him back in my arms. 
I love you, Bubby.  
Mommy misses you more than I promised I would...
I hope Jesus loves your drumming as much as we all did. 



  1. Praying for you tonight Courtney. What a blessing he was to all of us. Thank you for sharing him with us.

    1. Love to you & your family. You & our little drummer boy, are the most amazing inspiration my life has ever seen...Thank God for his peace, I know he is safe & free now, watching over you with a happy heart.

    2. You and your family are in my thoughts Courtney - I have followed yours and Tripp's story for months now, and while my heart aches for you I am glad that your little drummer boy is no longer in pain. It was time for him to go. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to your wonderful, brave, adorable, special, precious boy. His legacy will live on in the thousands of people around the world whose lives he touched. May a cure be found for others with EB, in Tripp's memory.

  2. Courtney, my heart hurts for you! Big hugs and many prayers!

  3. So much love sent your way Courtney. I hurt for you and pray for you and will send all my prayers to you! Love, the Key family: Krisi, David, Courtney, Morgan, & Trent.

  4. I'm thankful he was at peace. If an angel must go back to heaven, they should do so in their mother's arms... Your family and Tripp have been such an inspiration and I'm so sorry for your loss

  5. I am torn to pieces for you, my heart is with you at this extremely difficult time. I have been following Tripp's story for some time now, & am thankful that he has found peace. His short little life may not have been ideal, but he was blessed with a very courageous mother. I am so very admirable to how positive you managed to stay, & how you didn't let your faith fade away, through all that you had to go through to keep your little boy fighting. I lay here with my 6 month old ACHING for you. I can't FATHOM what you are going through, it hurts to even TRY to wrap my head around it. I will continue to pray for you, Courtney, as his journey with God is just beginning.

  6. Saying a prayer for you and your family. God has a gained an awesome angel.

  7. I have been one of your silent followers. You are an amazing momma. You are stronger than I could ever hope to be. Tripp was so lucky to have you as his mommy for his short yet amazing life. Take a deep breath and know that your little boy is drumming away up in heaven. Big hugs to you and your family. You are in my prayers.

  8. My heart breaks for you and your family! You will forever be in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. Courtney,
    My heart aches for you as I know from experience the pain of losing a child. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Tripp touched so many hearts and lives. He will never be forgotten.


  10. Praying for you & I was away from the computer today but found out tonight that precious Tripp had left this earth. My heart is sad but knowing one day you will be together again. Thinking & loving you so much & saying many many prayers. Thank you for sharing your precious son <3 Tripp <3 with us. Love you xxxxooooo

  11. Oh Courtney - my heart aches for you. There are no platitudes to ease your pain and yet I am desperate to offer something. The walls around you must echo hollow sounds, but know that there is love and support around you always. Hugs from Australia, Kxx

  12. Praying for you! He is in a better place though I can only imagine the pain you are feeling.

  13. Praying that you find peace and feel the presence of God around you tonight. Tripp left such a mark on the world and he will always be remembered as such a brave little fighter. I feel blessed just to have had the pleasure of getting to know him through your blog. You are such an inspiration. RIP baby Tripp

  14. I am so sorry for your loss Courtney. You are a brave woman and I admire you for all of your courage, strength, and faith. You gave your son your all and have touched all of us who were keeping up with you and Tripp. My heart is with you.

  15. You are one of the strongest people I know. Your strength will give me and countless others strength during our hard times. Thank you for sharing the story of your beautiful little boy. May he rest in peace, and may you find peace knowing he is with God and smiling down at you.

  16. Take good care of You Courtney. We love you. <3 Tripp's light is bright in our hearts. Praying and thanking God for the tender mercy of "knowing" your liitle Tripp.

  17. Oh, Courtney...tears here. Words are inadequate right now. I'm so sorry. What a blessing he was to so many people. We'll be lifting you up in prayer for God's comfort and peace...

  18. With all the love in my heart, sweet girl, I send to you. <3 I know people say "rest in peace" but I don't think Tripp is resting right now... I think he's finally living it up! Breakdancing in Heaven. May God send you all the left over peace that we sent to your drummer boy. Time for you to rest, sweet friend.

    Love you,

  19. I'm so sorry, dear. Thank you for being a beautiful inspiration to us all. How you have looked adversity straight in the eyes and kept going with a positive attitude has truly inspired many people. God knew exactly who tripp needed to be born to. I know he's in the arms of Jesus now. I will continue to pray for you and your family. God bless --


  20. All our love to you. He is indeed an angel. We will all say our prayers for strength for you. Thank you for sharing him with us.

  21. Praying for you and thanking God for that peace you asked for! I know how much you will miss your little drummer boy. I made something for you and had such an urgency to get it done today. It is done, and I will send it off on Monday. Peace to you Mommy.....

  22. Praying for you and your family. My heart breaks for the loss you must feel..... But I rejoice for Heaven's gain (and Tripp's peace). Thank you for your blog. You have touched my life more than you could know.

  23. Courtney and Family -
    I have followed your sweet boy's story for quite a while . . . wanted to let you know that I pray for peace for you now and always. Tripp was a blessing to many, but I know that mostly he was blessed with a loving and faithful mommy. Your faith that allows you to give thanksm to God even at this time is beautiful.
    Jessie - Charleston, SC

  24. My love, my thoughts and my prayers. They are with you as your heart breaks xxxx

  25. Praying, praying, praying. You are my hero.

  26. I am so sorry for your loss. Tripp was so so brave, and through your words, he will always be remembered.

  27. Praying for you and your family. I know the pain is unbearable. You shall see him one day. Right now he's playing his drums for Jesus and rock'n rolling for everyone to see! He's no longer in pain, has smooth baby skin, and is talking Jesus' ears off like you said! May you rest in assurance that Tripp is no longer in pain and is now YOUR angel. Hugs.

  28. Praying for you all. I am so sorry for your loss.

  29. My thoughts are with you and your family Courtney. You have been beyond amazing, as was Tripp.

  30. Dearest Sweet Courtney, I had an angel go to heaven when he was six. Nothing compares to what you are going through and I do know that it is a physical pain. Please know that it gets easier, it takes time but it does. Sending you my love and wishing and praying for your peace. HUGS Collette

  31. You are in my prayers Courtney. Tripp was a very special little boy, that we are all very blessed to get to know through this blog. Thank you so much for giving us the honor of getting to know him.

  32. I pray that God will be with you during this difficult time. You are an amazing and patient mother and Tripp is so lucky to have you as his mommy. Every time I see Elmo I will think of Tripp and remember to hold my children close. May God bless you.

  33. I am sorry for your loss. My heart hurts for you and your family. Tripp is in good hands.

  34. I am so sorry Courtney. Tripp was truly a gift from God. You will be in our prayers.

  35. Courtney, you have been in my prayers and will continue to be. Tripp was an amazing little angel that touched and changed the lives of SO many people -- he definately changed mine. I can't begin to imagine the heartache you are going through, but know that you have a flood of prayers and support coming your way. Thank you for sharing the life of your amazing little drummer boy with all of us, you both have been such a blessing in the lives of so many. We love you, and are here for you if there is anything we can do. God bless you and your family, I pray that God wraps His comforting arms around you and helps give you the strength to get through the days ahead. We will miss you sweet Tripp. An angel here on Earth, and now an angel in heaven.

  36. So glad he is in Jesus's arms and praying hard for comfort for you tonight Courtney. I have never met you or your little drummer angel but have been so touched by your story. God bless.

  37. My heart hurts for you, Courtney. You are Tripp's angel and he is yours. Thank you for sharing with us - your happiness, fears, tears, and struggles -- most of all your perfect little boy. Tripp is drumming all over heaven's gates, I'm sure of it. He's also making the angels smile playing the best renditions of "Shoo Fly" and "Do Re Mi" that heaven has ever heard.

  38. i am praying for comfort for your heart. somehow i hope you can find peace in knowing that he is happy and healthy with a new perfect body. bless you for all that you have endured!

  39. There are no words to express my sorrow for you on the loss of your precious angel. I pray that God will be with you and provide you and your family comfort.

  40. I am in my bed have been crying for awhile. I can only imagine how u feel. My baby has a rare genetic disorder and I was suppose to only have him a year well he's 6 1/2 n here still n doing better than doctors expected. He is my miracle and I know Tripp was yours. I am so sorry for your loss but so glad he's no longer suffering. God is going to love his drummer boy. R.I.P. Baby Tripp. Lifting you and your family in my prayers everyday. God Bless!

  41. Praying for you and your family! Also thanking God that your sweet boy is at peace now.

  42. Praying for your family, and thanking Jesus that Tripp is pain free and perfect!! God bless you and comfort you as only He can. You were the best mommy Tripp could have ever had, and for that you should be proud!! Thanks for letting us love your little man.

  43. praying for you and your family. He was such blessing and he will forever be remembered and cherished.

  44. So thankful that he waited for his moment until he was in the safest, most peaceful place he knew: his mommy's arms.
    So much love to you, Courtney.
    I am so proud of Tripp, and so proud of YOU for giving him 2 1/2 years filled with more love than most of us will ever experience in a lifetime.
    He was one blessed little boy. Thank you for sharing him with us.

  45. I'm just in tears for you Cortney. I'm so sorry. And I do believe that Tripp will be with you and watching over you until you meet him again. We will be praying for you and your family.

  46. Oh, Courtney! You were and still are a fabulous Mommy!!!! I wish I could hug you right one! If you need anything at all, please fell for to call. just Pm me and I'll send you all the phones. He was the happiest little boy in the world!!!! Here's to him drumming and talking to Jesus!!!

  47. You are so brave and such a wonderful mama to such a special littel angel. You and Tripp are in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo

  48. I've been thinking of you and you family today as I have everyday since I started following your journey. Courtney you are an amazing mother. I prayed for Peace for Tripp and now I pray for peace for you.Just know there are thousand of people who are with you in spirit.Thank you for sharing Tripp's journey with us all. He will never be forgotten. R.I.P Little Drummer boy.

  49. Much love to you, Courtney, your drummer boy and your whole family. I've been thinking of you the whole day. Thank you Lord for the peace you brought. I am going to miss sweet little Tripp.

  50. I just found your story yesterday. I want you to know that I have prayed for peace and comfort for you and your little boy. I see that he has now received that blessing and I hope that peace and comfort come to you as well. I'm grateful to know that he is out of pain, but my heart hurts for your loss. As a mother of a 3 1/2 year old and an 18 month old, I can't even imagine what you're going through, but you will remain in my prayers. It won't stop you from missing him, but I know that the Lord has made the bonds of the family eternal and that when this mortal life is through, we will be able to be with those loved ones we have lost, and it will be so wonderful.

  51. I'm praying God's peace and comfort in this time of mourning. Rest assured that Tripp is no longer suffering and is playing his drums and rock'n rolling for all to see! He's walking, talking, singing and now has beautiful baby skin and oh yes... he can see with his beautiful eyes! He's now YOUR angel watching you as you have been to him on earth. Thank you Courtney for sharing your story. I feel like I've known you forever. Hugs, Helen

  52. Oh Courtney, I am so sorry. I love the promise of this life down here being temporary and our forever home in Heaven. When you see Tripp again he will be well and feel great - what a reunion that will be.

    My heart hurts so much for you right now.

    Lifting you up in prayer, Kelley

    Remember there are so many people who care for you and love you.

  53. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family for the loss of your precious angel.
    Tripp will be in my prayers as will all of you.
    Thank you for sharing Tripp with us, you are truly an amazing mommy. God knew that you and your parents would love him and look after like no one else while here on earth...

  54. I'm so sorry for your loss! My only comfort right know is knowing that he is no longer in pain. I'm seriously at a loss for words. I have been following your blog for a while now and can't tell you how you and Tripp have changed my life! Thank you for sharing him and his story with us. I hope you keep fighting for him even though he's gone. There will be a cure one day and you and Tripp will have played a big part in finding it!


  56. I wish I knew what to say, but please know that there are a lot of people praying for you! Tripp was and always will be an inspiration and he touched so many lives. Rest in peace sweet boy, enjoy your angel wings.

  57. I couldn't imagine your pain... I pray for you and your family through and through. You are an amazing Mommy and Tripp is now watching over you and will help guide you. I just learned of Tripp's story on Thursday and instantly fell in love with him. I am a complete stranger but my heart feels like I knew him since day 1. He has inspired me so much. So smart! How he communicated with you. I have read every single one of your blogs along with other family blogs. All were very touching and inspiring, but especially yours and Tripp's. I pray for you and your family, Courtney and have Thanked God for giving you and Tripp PEACE! And will continue to thank Him. Thank you for letting the world meet Tripp and follow his journey. May you find peace and comfort as well knowing your sweet, handsome, little drummer boy is no longer in pain. Lots of love to Tripp and your family...

  58. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. I'm sending my dearest sympathy to you and everybody touched by Tripp. He has changed so many lives.

  59. Praying for you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss.

  60. So sorry for your loss, Courtney. Although sometimes we have time to "prepare" for the passing of a loved one, you are never truly prepared. In time it will get easier; not to say that it will ever be easy, but keep your faith and stregnth in God and know that Tripp touched so many in such a short time. Don't forget that you are part of the reason he held on for so long, he got his stregnth and will to fight from his mother. He is, undoubtedly, looking down on you right now drumming one of his favorite tunes for you. Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your paths."

  61. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Tripp was an amazing little boy and I can't imagine what you and Tripp have gone through. You are a great mom who cared, loved and comforted Tripp during his short time on this Earth. Despite his health, he was a happy, loving boy and it shows in the videos and photos. I wish you much strength during this time.

  62. Courtney, Tripp touched so many people not only in Louisiana but all over the US. You are the bravest woman I know and as hard as these coming months will be I know you'll be ok. I know that because of how strong you are and also because I know how much you loved your son. No one could have loved him more than you did and given him as much as you did. You and Tripp are and will always be an inspiration to everyone who have had the opportunity to meet yall. If you ever need anything don't hesistate. Love Ashlyn, Katusha and Casey Zeller

  63. My heart breaks for you. We will be praying for you during this difficult time. I pray beautiful memories are your comfort and that God will lavish His love, peace and mercy upon you.

  64. Courtney, you are an incredible example of why God blessed this world with "motherhood" because you are the epitome of what he wanted a mother to be. I'm praying for you. I'm praying for all of your loved ones. And I'm praying, that somehow...God sends you a message from Tripp about how amazing his life is in Heaven. You have both touched our hearts so deeply. (((((HUGS)))))

  65. All of our thoughts, prayers and love for you tonight, Courtney. I know that it's quite an internal conflict to be glad your baby is in the arms of Jesus out of pain, and wanting him in your arms at the same time. Thank you for sharing his (and your) story with us. He has touched more people than you'll ever know.

    With love,

  66. Praying for comfort and understanding for you and your family.

  67. Oh Courtney, I feel like I know you and I knew Tripp. What a joyous day for him and such a painful one for you. He knew much love here on earth, thanks to a momma that clearly loved him above all else. My son and I just said a prayer together for you. I'm gonna hug the heck out of that kid someday.
    Know that the country mourns with you girl.

  68. So sorry for your precious little man.. I shed a few tears tonight. :-(

  69. Prayers for you to feel God's strength over the next few days. Tripp will continue to live through your amazing love for him.

  70. With a very heavy heart, I send my deepest condolences. Your sweet, little angel touched so many peoples' and brought so many people closer to the Lord. He was such a blessing. I know you have that comfort of knowing that he is with our Savior, but also want him to be here with you. I will continue to pray for you and your family and will look up and smile for your sweet baby Tripp. We share in your pain that he is physically gone and share in your joy that he has gone home and is free. Love to you all.

  71. Courtney, my heart aches for you. I will be in earnest prayer with everyone for thanks and also for peace for you all.

    I was telling my 5 year old daughter about Tripp yesterday, and she told me how excited she was that she would get to play with Tripp in Heaven. Kids sure have a way of taking their parent's breath away don't they.

    Much love and hugs from Texas. I pray Jesus wraps His loving arms around you and holds you up. Remember you are His precious child too, and when you hurt He is concerned. Also remember that God knows what it is like to lose a son.

  72. Praying for comfort and understanding for you and your family. He truly was an angel on Earth!

  73. You have been so strong, you don't have to be. We thank God for you and your little man...I cannot fully understand what you are going through, but I feel pain, and hurt, and I pray that God sends you comfort and peace. God Bless you!!!

  74. Tripp the drummer boy is now painfree after a horrible fight. But let us all remember, too, that his life was also loaded with love and care due to his amazing mother who never left his side. If there are angels on the earth I for sure do believe that I know two. Hugs and consolations with all of my heart from the Finnish reader.

  75. Thank you for sharing your treasure with the world. I am changed because of him. What a mighty warrior!! And the image of him "talking Jesus's ear off"...:). Praying for peace and comfort that only our Father can give, Courtney.

  76. Praying for you!! May God surround you with His Unfailing Love. What a wonderful mommy you are.

  77. Praying that God bring you peace and strength during this difficult time. You are an amazing mother and Tripp is such a beautiful soul. Both you and Tripp will always hold a special place in my heart. I will never forget you two.

  78. All my love and prayers. Gods speed little man... You have touched the world!

  79. I am so heartbroken for you Courtney. You are the best mommy a child could ever ask for. Truly willing to sacrifice everything for your little boy. Please, never feel like you are being too selfish-for there is no such thing after how much you have given up. I am so thankful that he was in your arms when he saw heavens gates. You held him through more pain then any of us can imagine, you and Tripp deserve nothing less than spending his last moments together.

    You amaze me. Thank you for sharing your handsome man. I'm praying that God comforts your heart and shows you the path you are supposed to take from here. One step at a time. Sending love and hugs.

  80. You are such a strong amazing woman filled with so much inspiration to share with others, I thank you for sharing this part of your life with us and I will be praying for you and your family. May God fill your heart with peace and may his comforting arms surround you.

  81. My heart is physically aching for you as a mother. I know Tripp is pain free and getting to experience the joys of being a normal 2 year old boy now that he is in Heaven. Everyone who knew him or followed his story will truly miss him. I pray that God gives you the strength to heal from his passing and will fill the void that you're now left with. We love you Tripp, gone but never forgotten. I will forever think about him whenever I see or hear Elmo.

  82. Know that thousands of hearts are breaking with yours tonight, Courtney. Thank you for sharing him so unselfishly with us and for sharing the wisdom, truth and love that God has given you along the way. Praying for you tonight...

  83. Revelation 21:4
    And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

  84. Praying for all of you tonight . Like the post above me says, Tripp was a blessing and thank you for sharing him with us. My heart aches for your loss.

  85. My thoughts and prayers go out to you tonight as they have every since I met Tripp thru this wonderful source of communication (internet) . I am so glad that you have soo many memories recorded. Our daughter passed away at 49 days from major heart defects. I now wish I would have recorded some of her days here with us-It is going on 7 years. Life has just become a lil easier to deal with -the pain is still there just as strong as the first day. It was a pleasure to meet your little angel and Thank You for sharing him and his story with all of us-I am praying for comfort and peace for you and your family -for the upcoming hours, days, weeks and years to come. He will ALWAYS BE WITH YOU until yall meet again. BLESSINGS AND LOVE, Phyllis Donaldson

  86. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. So glad he passed away in his favorite spot!

  87. I am so sorry Courtney. The world has lost a very special little boy today. I am thankful he is at peace, and pain free. I am thankful he had such a wonderful mom that loved him and took such good care of him. He will be very much missed.

  88. Courtney, my heart breaks for you tonight sweetie...I wish I could take away all your pain...Tonight I THANK YOU, GOD, for PEACE...peace in knowing Tripp is safely home.. home in your loving arms...peace in knowing he is pain free and comfortable...peace in knowing he is know EB free and running and playing....Lord I ask now for you to give Courtney the strength she needs to put one foot in front of the other...In your name, AMEN....

  89. When I close my eyes I see him in a t-shirt and shorts, running barefoot on the grass with his little Elmo in his hand.

    Bless you for making his life happy and full of love.

  90. I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family. Thankful Tripp is whole and pain free in the arms of Jesus.

  91. My heart is with you and your family. I am so sorry. Peaceful and healing thoughts to you.

  92. Praying for your peace and the Lord's comfort during this very difficult time. Tripp touched more lives that you might ever know. He was an angel on earth, and now is an angel in heaven. God Bless you and your family.

  93. My heart is breaking for you. There are no words I can say. I will always keep Tripp in my heart because we shared a birthday. Your little man was the bravest person I have ever known.


  94. I'm so glad Tripp's pain is over and he is rejoicing with Jesus. No more pain for him!!! Love that. My heart is breaking for you Courtney. And your family. I can't imagine the pain you must now be feeling. My sincere prayers are with you.

  95. Oh Courtney, I'm so so sorry for your loss.. for our loss.. for the world's loss. And yet, I'm so glad for Tripp that the pain is finally over. Through your blog I've grown to truly LOVE you and your boy, and I know I'm not the only one who will read your post with tears streaming down my face... and for PEACE I shall pray and pray and pray. May you feel a deep, restful peace inside your heart and soul because your baby is drumming in heaven, pain free and charming the angels! LOVE always, Emily

  96. May the peace of Christ comfort you and your family Courtney <3 Thank you so much for sharing Tripp with the world.

  97. My heart is so happy that he is home with the Lord & feels no pain, but hurts so badly for you. I hope you feel all of the prayers that are you with you right now. Look for all of the signs that he is there with you, Courtney. They are all around you!

  98. Heaven has recieved the most wonderfull little angel! I think all who has followed your life and struggles will take part in your sorrow and continue to pray for You and Tripp! I know I will! I´ve been reading about you for so long and hoping and praying with you. I wish for peace for You and Your family!
    /Mikaela from Finland

  99. Praying for you and your family tonight Courtney. I can only imagine the pain that you feel and the amount of sorrow that fills your heart. Just as we have stood by you and Tripp along the way, we'll be here praying for your peace and comfort now. As sad as this makes me, I can't help but smile a little knowing that Tripp is now living the carefree life of a healthy, playful 2 year old. We sure will miss him! God Bless you!

  100. Courtney -- You and Tripp have been in my thoughts and prayers every day since I found your blog. I thank God for hearing my daily prayers and for giving him the PEACE that this brave little man deserves so very much.

    I can't even begin to describe the miracle that is Tripp and how much he has changed this world just by living in it for these 2 years and 8 months. And God could not have picked a more wonderful mother to bestow upon his wonderful blessing and perfect miracle Tripp.

    With love,
    San Francisco

  101. Your little Bubby has touched our lives in ways you can't imagine. Thank-you for sharing his light with us. My heart aches for you, I can't imagine your pain, but will pray for you and your family's peace. I know he is now running and playing like any little boy who's almost 3. Happy & Healthy, watching over his Mommy. We do thank God for his peace and that he reached it in your arms, wrapped in love. We don't know you, but know you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. There is nothing to say to make you feel better, and I can't type and cry together. Please just know how sorry we are for your tremendous loss, but we also know that beautiful, brave little soul is shining brightly in God's hands tonight.<3

  102. I'm so, so sorry, Courtney. My heart is breaking for you. I can't even imagine. I'm so thankful though, that Tripp is able to run and play and SEE and laugh giant belly laughs and most of all that he's pain free. He's FREE of this horrible disease and I know he's going to give you this biggest hug ever when you meet again. You're an amazing mom and an inspiration to us all. Much Love, Jennifer

  103. thank you for the strength it took to share this information with us. I watched the video's of Tripp drumming, and from one drummer to another, he had rythem! Try and rest, try and breathe, and take it one minute at a time. We love you and are praying with, and for, you and Tripp and the rest of your family.

    Hugs, Love and Light,
    Jennifer (Lyric)

  104. Your physical space will feel empty for awhile but your heart and soul will be filled for eternity! You did everything you could and more. Your little angel has peace and with time you will find yours. I will continue to kiss my son (who is the same age) fiercely everyday in Tripps honor. And I will love him as fiercely as you love Tripp. Thank you for sharing his beautiful life. His pain is over but his wonderful life will live on forever in the people he has touched!

  105. I've just spent the last hour reading your blog. I cry when I read of the love for your little boy and the pain he went through. I have son with Autism who gives me a run for my money, but reading your posts makes me so thankful for all I have! I will pray for you, I simply can't even begin to imagine the physical pain your are feeling from missing your sweet little boy!

  106. As I read this post and reread this post...please know that I love you. Courtney, my heart is literally breaking. I wish I could give you a big hug. From my family to you. XOXO

  107. Thank you for sharing Tripp with us. We have all learned so much.
    You have taught us what true faith is, what hope is and what being a real Mom is.
    May God give you His PEACE that passes understanding. We will all be praying for you in the coming weeks and months.

  108. My heart and thoughts are with you and your family.

  109. Praying for you and your family. Many, many hugs to you, ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))) Thank you for sharing his life with us - he is and always will be such an inspiration.

  110. I never had the opportunity to meet you in person Courtney but I worked on senior care after you went out on maternity leave. My heart is hurting for you & Tripp but God has called home his beautiful Angel, who is now YOUR angel watching over you. I'm sorry for your loss but grateful & thankful that your son is no longer hurting. I will continue to pray for you & for God to continue to bless you with strength, faith and love to get through this most trying time. I admire you, a woman that had the COURAGE & DETERMINATION to love & care for her baby through so many adversaries. With heartfelt sympathy, Nikki McLaughlin

  111. Courtney, he was an angel on Earth ... and I feel the same way about you and your mom. You guys really honored Tripp with the way you cared for him until the very, very end. God bless.

  112. I am so sorry. I will continue to hope that peace can find a way to you and your family during this very difficult time. Thank you for sharing Tripp with all of us.

  113. I wish there were some magical words I could say or something I could do to ease your pain. I am just so very sorry for the loss of your son. Thank you for sharing your story. Praying for you..Rest in peace sweet angel Tripp! <3

  114. My thoughts are with you and your family tonight. Tripp was the bravest little guy ever, and we will all miss him and are better for knowing him. I would also like to thank you for letting us know him and you, through this blog. Sending strength and love.

  115. Miss Courtney,
    I am so very deeply sorry to hear of your loss. Tripp was a beautiful little boy who touched thousands of hearts and will forever impact the lives of so many people. I know that Tripp is no longer in pain and that he is now your little Guardian Angel. As always, you are in my prayers and I hope that you can find some peace and comfort in this very difficult time. God bless!

  116. You and your family will remain in my prayers. Thank you so much for sharing your precious baby with all of us. You and Tripp are such an inspiration. Tripp was a very lucky little boy to have you as his mom.

  117. Oh....I don't know how to feel about this news. There's a part of me that is so very, very happy for your precious boy, who now is pain free and in the arms of Jesus, so very happy and at completely at peace there. How can I not feel grateful for that? Happy for him? Because I do! He so deserves to be in a body that is not hurting. And he has that now. God rest his sweet little soul; he is now set free to run around and enjoy a heavenly body. So I have this feeling of relief and joy knowing this. But then I think of you, and how empty your arms must feel. As a mother myself I can only imagine the heartache of having to say goodbye to my child. I'm so very sorry for your loss. You are going to miss him so much, and my heart aches for you. It's almost too much for a mother to have to go through. And yet, you have been through so much with your son. You have seen his struggles and heard his cries. You gave him 100% of yourself, and wow was that boy loved by his mama! And he knew that love. He felt it all the way until the end of his life here on earth. And he carries that love with him. You'll see. When you see him again when you get to Heaven, he will run to you and he will know you and it will be as if the two of you never parted. The love between a mother and her child can never be severed, not even death can separate the two from each other.

    I wish you peace, much peace, knowing that your son is never far from you. I hope you know that Tripp was blessed with the BEST mother that any child could ever hope for. God bless you, and God bless your sweet angel in Heaven.

    1. I love this.. Everything you said is awesome. Couldn't have said it better myself! Thank you Jesus for giving this sweet baby boy peace and comfort. Lots of love to Tripp and his family! Especially his amazing mommy!

  118. You have been and will continue to be in my prayers! Your strength and love are an inspiration to all mommies! No more pain in heaven! Thank you for sharing your and Tripp's story - it made me and many others so much more aware of all of the blessings in our lives!

  119. How our hearts ache for you. Thank you for sharing your sweet angel with us... He has indeed left an imprint on our hearts forever. I look forward to meeting him someday, and am sure our Sades is waiting for the chance to introduce herself to your brave little soul. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Love, the Huish family

  120. Praying for your heart's peace tonight, Courtney. Thank you for sharing your journey with your son. I can't imagine the pain you are dealing with- Tripp is whole, happy, healthy, and resting in the arms of the most High tonight. <3

  121. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
    May you feel peace in your heart as your precious son flies high and held snuggly in Gods embrace.
    Much love to you all

  122. Praying so hard for all of you. With love Melissa Aldridge.

  123. We're so sorry for you and your family. Thoughts and prayers to all of you.

  124. I am so very sorry for your loss. I actually read this post via a facebook neighbor & it brought me to instant tears. I could never image the pain of losing a child. Although I do not know you, you are in my prayers. I pray for you & your family & I know your baby boy is watching over you this night & forever.

  125. I recently stumbled upon your blog and your story grabbed my heart. I checked back the last few days for any updates. I am so sorry for your loss. My husband and I are praying for you and your family tonight. God Bless you for sharing your story.

  126. Prayers for you! We know that Tripp is now able to run and play and beat his drum without pain along side our Maker! Nothing can take away the pain of losing a child but I hope you can find comfort in knowing that you did EVERYTHING possible to give Tripp the best life he could possibly have had! Thank you for sharing your story with us!

  127. Crying for your pain and for Tripp’s lack of pain right now. You were his Angel on earth, Courney. No one can take away his love for you. Bless you all (I know there were many other angels that help you both through this journey).

  128. Thank you for sharing his life with me. He was an amazing, beautiful child. You taught me what it means to be a mom. To love unconditionally and to accept with graciousness the plan God has for us. My prayers are with you as you embark on this new chapter of your life. I won't forget your son nor you. I'm sorry you hurt and at the same time I'm happy he's with the Lord. How joyful he must be tonight. The tears I cry are for you and me since I won't hear and see how he's doing.

  129. Thank you for being a disciple and sharing the life of Tripp! You did everything to make him comfortable while here on earth! I have gone through losing two precious angels but I can't imagine losing a two year old! You and Tripp have led many to God! Prayers for peace are being said for you and your family!

  130. Praying for you & for everyone who loves Tripp. I am so sad that you have to be separated from him for even a day. I pray Jesus returns soon so that you can reunited with your beloved son.

  131. You and your entire family are in my heart tonight Courtney! Tripp and his story were such an inspiration to me! What a special little boy! Thank you so much for letting us know and love him! I will continue to pray for peace, for you in the times ahead! Much love always, Emily

  132. Courtney, God chose you to be Tripps mommy because he thought you were the right person for the job! I KNOW you made him proud! I hope you find peace in knowing that you did your very best. He was very lucky to have you as his mommy. You have so many people praying for you!!!
    Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  133. I'm saying prayers for you and your family... Tripp was such a precious angel while he was here on Earth. What a lucky mother you were, and what a lucky little boy he was to have you as his mother. We may not understand why we have to endure things such as this, but God knows why and it is all a part of His plan. One day you will see Tripp again in Heaven and he can once again drum for you.

  134. Thank you so much for sharing his story. I am so utterly sorry for your loss. His story touched my heart in so many ways. He was the most amazing little warrior I have ever heard of.

  135. So sorry for your loss. No matter how prepared, are we are never truly ready for it when it's our loved ones time. (as I said on facebook, but so many comments, felt more appropriate here, So sorry for your loss. He couldn't have had a better Angel than the one he had in you, bless his and your hearts! My prayers are with you and your family at this time of sorrow, may he forever R.I.P, pain free.

  136. I have never commented before, but have followed your story since the beginning and prayed for you guys daily. Praying for you and your family during this time. May God comfort you as only he can. Thank you for sharing his life with us! He will be missed.

  137. Praying for you. I can't imagine the pain you are experiencing. I will thank God that Tripp finally has peace as well as pray for you as you go through this extremely difficult time. Thank you for sharing his story with so many and changing so many lives.

  138. Courtney, I have been praying for you and Tripp since I learned of your story. Tonight I am praying even harder for Jesus to ease the pain in your heart. Thank you for sharing your love and blessing of a child with us. You and he will NEVER be forgotten.

  139. You are in our prayers sweet beautiful Courtney. Thank you for the wonderful example of the pure love of Christ and sharing it with us. You are an amazing Mother, Daughter, and Daughter of God. May the windows of heaven pour out blessings upon you and may you have comfort and peace. Tripp is and always will be with you and watching over you and loving you forever!

  140. Sending you a big hug Courtney!! Tripp is in heaven right now banging on his drum with one hand with Elmo in the other, with a huge smile on his face! We will miss him!!

  141. Peace can only be found in knowing that he is in heaven where he will no longer be hurting. He was an angel on earth that was able to touch so many without even knowing them. Tripp served a much greater purpose in his short time here than many of us will achieve in a lifetime. His courage and strength live on and the awareness he brought to this horrific disease makes him a true saint! R.I.P Tripp and God be with your family during this time.

  142. Much love and peace Courtney...may your faith, family and friends be the strength that you need to get through this difficult time! Only a mother's love can put into words the heartfelt stories in your blogs! Tripp was an amazing little butterfly warrior on this Earth and will continue to amaze every up in Heaven! XOXO

  143. His little soul is free of the human body that caused him so much pain.
    God blessed him with a wonderful loving family for the short time that he was here on earth!
    I know that Tripp is so thankful for all the love that you showed him.
    Now he will help God watch over you. And he can and will forever be hugging you and ....holding your hand.

  144. Your pain must be unimaginable. I thank you and God for sharing him with us. Prayers of comfort and peace for you and sweet Tripp.

    - A stranger on the internet who was moved by your son's life

  145. Our heart felt prayers go out to you and your family. You and Tripp have touch our hearts in ways that words can not explain.

  146. My heart felt thoughts and prayers go out to you Courtney. I pray you have much peace and comfort knowing you went above and beyond the call of being Tripp's Mommy.
    May Tripp live in our memories forever as the strength he has shown in his short little life.
    Thank you for sharing your story, it's touched me like no other.
    Bless you.

  147. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Heaven received a beautiful drummer boy today. Tripp is running pain free like he never could here on Earth. Love to you all.

  148. I just learned about you and your precious boy yesterday, through a friend's Facebook post. My heart breaks for you!!! I'm sure that my little boy Nathan was there to welcome him into Heaven. Sending you prayers of love, strength and healing.

  149. I've prayed for peace and comfort for Tripp so long. Now I pray for peace and comfort for you Courtney.

  150. You and your family are in my prayers. I know Tripp is smiling in heaven as he plays his drums for Our Heavenly Father. Thank you for sharing Tripp's story with us. You are truly a admirable person and Tripp could not have asked for a better mom!

  151. I am praying for peace for both you and Tripp. May God give you the strength to get through this tough time and may Tripp's legacy live on forever. He was such a special boy that touched countless lives!!

  152. Oh my heart is just shattered reading this and tears are pouring down, but I'm relieved to know he is at peace. Tripp was a really special boy, thank you for sharing him and letting us love him. You, my dear Courtney are one heck of a mama. Your strength amazes me. Sending lots of love and prayers your way. xx

  153. God Bless your family and sweet Tripp. Thank you for sharing his journey, and letting him be known to the world as the little hero he is. Knowing he's finally pain free and his spirit is happy and free from EB is a blessing and relief. But I can't imagine the pain your heart aches from right now. I will continue to pray for you, your family and your special little angel...

  154. Lots of prayers for you right now, Courtney. (((hugs)))

  155. I cannot even begin to imagine all of the things that you are feeling right now. I am deeply sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your family and for Tripp. I know that it will be a truly joyous day when you meet him in Heaven and he is perfectly healthy and the fabulous little boy that he is gets to shine through unhindered by a body that betrayed him. Love to you all.

  156. Fly, fly little wing,
    Fly beyond imagining
    The softest cloud, the whitest dove
    Upon the wind of heaven's love
    Past the planets and the stars
    Leave this lonely world of ours
    Escape the sorrow and the pain
    And fly againFly, fly precious one
    Your endless journey has begun
    Take your gentle happiness
    Far too beautiful for this
    Cross over to the other shore
    There is peace forevermore
    But hold this mem'ry bittersweet
    Until we meetFly, fly do not fear
    Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
    Your heart is pure, your soul is free
    Be on your way, don't wait for me
    Above the universe you'll climb
    On beyond the hands of time
    The moon will rise, the sun will set
    But I won't forgetFly, fly little wing
    Fly where only angels sing
    Fly away, the time is right
    Go now, find the light

    ~No more more pain.
    You are now forever healed and cradled safely in God's arms.
    Play us a lovely song, beautiful little drummer boy. Hugs for your mama. xo

  157. May you have peace in your heart , Courtney. Tripp is an angel who taught us all how to be stong no matter what difficulties life presents us. I am so thankful to be able to have shared his journey. May God be with you and comfort you.
    Sharyn Wycoff

  158. Beautiful little drummer boy! Peace to you and your mum, you are both amazing! Thank you Courtney for sharing your story with us, I am so thankful for you letting us follow your journey.

  159. Courtney, my heart broke tonight when I saw Patrice's tweet. I don't even know what to say to you because nothing will change the way you are feeling. I am so glad I knew who Tripp was. He will be in my thoughts forever as will you. I hope Tripp hasn't stopped running or drumming with Jesus. Love and prayers to you and your family.

  160. Tears are streaming down my face. Sending many prayers as I can't imagine the pain you must be feeling as your little boy is now in heaven. The world lost an angel today but is making heaven much brighter.

    I have never posted before but have been a 'silent' supporter of your family awhile now. As a 29 year old and mom of a one year old, I can't put into words the admiration I have for you. You and Tripp have touched so many lives with your strength, faith, love, and countless qualities. You have made me a better person and I can't thank you enough for that.

  161. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Without ever meeting either of you, both of you have blessed so many people. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

  162. My heart breaks for you. No matter how many times you read he's in a better place I can understand your pain. My your pain go away with the thought of this precious boy pain free! Thank you for sharing Tripod with all of us.
    A very wet, covered in tears,

  163. Courtney, My heart is with you and your family. Praying for that perfect peace that passes all understanding for you. Tripp is in heaven now dancing like David danced and playing his drums as angels dance around him. You will see him again and what a joy to see him whole and happy and in no pain--Imagine!

    Peace be with you.

  164. My heart aches for you and I know what it is like to lose a child. In 2003, I lost my baby girl to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. When I saw "Heaven's Little Drummer Boy" on your page, I immediately began to cry. My tears were really because I know little Tripp had a long battle and as a mother you have had to stay strong for him throughout these years. But I do want to tell you this. You are not being selfish to want to hold your son back in your arms again. You watched him in pain for two years and I am sure you would want to watch him pain free as well. But I want you to know that Jesus has given him wings and he is now your guardian angel. I live in Covington and if you ever need someone to talk to just know I am here for you :) RIP Tripp!!!!

  165. Dear Courtney, Nothing, any of us can say is going to ease this pain and emptyness, but I know God can. Your sweet baby is with God now and pain free. I know you take comfort in that, but I also know that us moms think our babies are always best cared for by us. You did your job very well and I am sure God is very pleased with your selfless love and care for Tripp. If I don't get to meet you this side of Heaven, I will look forward to seeing you and Tripp together there. Our love and prayers are with you.

  166. Oh Courtney, I know we don't know each other, but if I could take some of your pain away now, please know I would do it in a heartbeat. You have be so strong for so long and I am in complete awe of you. No words can do you or Tripp any justice because you both are beyond earthly description. A tiny angel sent to his angel on Earth for such a short but incredible time. I am praying so hard right now for your heart to be blessed. My 2 little boys said their prayers for Tripp last night after we watched some of his videos. You and Tripp are forever surrounded by the love and admiration of thousands. Courtney, YOU are an angel. God Bless You so very, very much, sweet angel.

  167. How blessed was Tripp to have you there holding him when he got his wings. You are indeed an angel here on earth. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your son and his story. I am a better person because of the two of you. Our hearts are heavy tonight and we will miss Tripp so much. I know his spirit is flying high! Sending thoughts, prayers and all good things your way.

  168. He was so very sweet, I have no problem believing that he is one of God's most beautiful angels. My prayers are with you and your family during this time.

    Fly pain-free, little Tripp.

  169. Sweet little drummer boy.

    Praying for you and your family.

  170. Courtney I am so sorry for your loss of such an amazing and beautiful little soul, but glad Tripp is in peace.

    I only came across your blog through a friend of mine two days ago but within moments of reading your post yesterday I instantly started sending my love Tripps way.

    I will always hold Tripp and yourself in my heart and mind.

  171. Courtney,

    I know exactly where Tripp inherited his strength from -- his beautiful and wonderful mama. You will get through this, I promise you. Literally just take everything as it comes, one minute at a time.

    I'm glad he was with you when God called him. I know that's exactly where he wanted to be.

    He has left a world greatly impacted by his life and we are all better for knowing him and his story. You told it beautifully and I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing it with all of us.

    I send you my STRENGTH, my love, and my continued prayers. Stick together, surround yourself with loved ones, and know that it's okay to feel whatever it is that you feel.

    We are here if you need us. Say the word and we will all help, in whatever way we can.

    All My Love,
    Katie Hartsfield & Family

  172. From your arms to Jesus's... I will continue to pray for you and your family. May peace be with you too.

  173. Im so sorry for your loss :-( my prayers are with you and your family

  174. Courtney, I dreamed about your little angel last night. I cannot tell what it exactly was about but it sure felt like he was saying his goodbyes. My heart is going to you. Praying for your comfort and peace. I will never be the same person because of you and Tripp. Thank you. Warmest hugs,

  175. I am so sorry for your very deep loss. I recently found your blog and read much about your very precious son. Your love and your very tender care for him was so evident. I know it was what any mother would do for their child, but many of us have never been called to parent a child who needed so much tender nursing.

    I looked through his photos and marveled at his beautiful smiles.

    I praise God that your son is no longer in pain, as I read of how much he has had to endure. I am so thankful to read of your faith, that you know that your son is now healed from all that hurt him on earth. But I know your heart and the heart of those who loved him also are deeply aching for his presence yet with you. May God bless you with vivid memories of your son. And may God always bless you with knowing that you were the very best, most loving mama you could ever have been for such a special little boy as Tripp.

    Nancy in the Midwest

  176. Miss you, Tripp. You have taught me to be grateful and appreciative for the things in my life. You have taught me tolerance and patience. You have taught me to enjoy my kids more. I will miss your music, your smile, your tender spirit and the love in your eyes. You are now and always have been one of heavens angels. You were sent to teach us what it means to endure to the end and have a joyful spirit. You will be missed. Thank you for changing my life and for experiencing this so willingly. I know you are running and playing like little boys should! Your sweet mommy and family will be in my prayers!

  177. I have followed your blog for quite some time now, and though I've never commented, I've thought of you often. Just tonight, I decided to check in and see how precious Tripp was were on my heart. I'm so sorry for your loss...there aren't even words to say. I rejoice with you that your baby is free from his pain and in the arms of Jesus. May He bring you the comfort you need.

  178. Oh Courtney, my heart so hurts for you. I'm selfish, too, and wish that you could have him back in your arms where he belongs. I know that he is flying high, free from pain and playing his little drums for Jesus and all the other angels. What a glorious day it must have been for them. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and special Tripp with the world. Prayers that your memories of Tripp will sustain you through the difficult days, weeks and months to come. I know that your lil angel will always be watching over you.
    Much love to you and your family!

    "These are my footprints,
    so perfect and so small.
    These tiny footprints
    never touched the ground at all.
    Not one tiny footprint,
    for now I have wings.
    These tiny footprints were meant
    for other things.
    You will hear my tiny footprints,
    in the patter of the rain.
    Gentle drops like angel's tears,
    of joy and not from pain.
    You will see my tiny footprints,
    in each butterflies' lazy dance.
    I'll let you know I'm with you,
    if you just give me the chance.
    You will see my tiny footprints,
    in the rustle of the leaves.
    I will whisper names into the wind,
    and call each one that grieves.
    Most of all, these tiny footprints,
    are found on Mommy's heart.
    'Cause even though I'm gone now,
    We'll never truly part."

  179. I'm so glad to hear that Tripp was in your arms when he went to heaven today. I know how heart crushing today was, and the bittersweet feelings that tumble through your mind, body, and spirit second by second. Tripp is home with God, running, laughing, playing, eating, seeing, and completely perfect. He has already forgotten the pain he was in, but he will never forget the love he received, and when it is your turn to go home to God, 1) Tripp will be waiting with open arms to say, "Thank you, mommy. You were AMAZING." and 2) it'll feel like a blink of an eye since you last saw him. This is our faith, and this is the gift of our faith... that despite the pain, we can hold on to this vision, and in it find the peace we need to get up tomorrow and continue to live. Peace be with you always.

  180. Sending much love and prayers to you and your family tonight Courtney, Tripp is singing and drumming with all the angels tonight and I'm sure my angel Mia is dancing with him. The way I cope is in knowing I will be with my angel one day and am thankful she only knows joy love and happiness, that she knows no pain or suffering, God bless you dear friend and your family and God bless Tripp for bringing you so much happiness.

  181. Oh sweet mama, my heart breaks for you.. I cannot imagine what you are going through.. tears are streaming down my face thinking of all you are going through.. stay strong mama and keep the Lord closer than ever.. we all love and care about you so much.. I spent 30 minutes today at the computer with my 16 month old looking at pictures of Tripp and talking about him.. my son sat very still looking and listening to my every word.. after we finished, he went and grabbed a book of his and brought it over to me.. its titled "on the night you were born" by Nancy Tillman.. we've never read this book before and when I opened it up, the first thing I read was this "for you are fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalms 139.. I
    found it so ironic and so fitting.. oh your sweet angel was such a blessing to us all here on earth.. prayers for you during this difficult time..

  182. Bless you, sweet Courtney..for all you've been through and all you are going through now. It is amazing how so many have fallen in love with your little guy through a blog...and I have as well. I am praying for you and your family, as my heart aches for your loss.

  183. I'm so sorry for your pain your going through. Your a wonderful mom and your sweet son knew that. Tripp will always be in your heart and everytime the wind blow or the sun shines on your sweet face you will feel and know its him touching you with his precious little hands. You have given him more love and care in his short time on earth then we could ever give our own children. My heart breaks for you but get the strenghth from knowing he's so happy with Jesus. I will never forget you or that precious beautiful angel. I will continue to pray that God gives you the strength and wrap his arms around you. Tripp has changed many many lives in his short time here. Thank you so very much for sharing him with me. I love you and hope you can feel me holding you. Be strong sweet girl because one day you will see him again. He will be all healed, happy and wanting that strong hug you always wanted to give him. Love and prayers to you. Darlene from Mississippi xoxo

  184. My daughter died a few weeks ago and I know exactly how you are feeling. Here's a big hug. HUG.

    I think that he's playing the drums in Heaven now and my little girl is dancing! They are laughing :)

  185. Been following your journey. I want you to know that Tripp's life meant something to me. Thank you for sharing your journey so I could learn about EB and about life. Going straight from your arms to Another's has got to be so hard on your Mama's heart. I can't imagine the loss and pain as you learn to life a new existence without him with you. We're behind you.

  186. My heart breaks for you. I can't imagine the pain you must feel. Thank you for reminding me everyday to appreciate life, and to love unconditionally, and to at all times remain faithful to God. Thank you for sharing your son, your miracle with us. I don't even know you, but feel like I do. My love to you, and prayers are coming every second for strength.

  187. Oh Courtney- I am a mess of tears. I am so sorry that you lost your precious little drummer boy. But I am so relieved that Tripp was at home and had peace. You two have touched more lives than you can ever imagine.

    My heart breaks for your loss but I have no doubt that Tripp is dancing with Elmo and rocking out on his drum set in Heaven.

