Wednesday, March 14, 2012

2 months feels like 2 years...

Missing my baby boy with my whole heart, especially on this day that makes 2 months since he left my arms.  
Memories like these I will cherish for the rest of my life. 

So thankful for my faith, that is carrying me through each day.  
Reassuring me that my sweet boy is safe, healthy and happy in the arms of Jesus.  
Because if he can't be here in my arms, there's no where else I'd rather him be... 



  1. think of you all the time. and the other day i did when i saw a red balloon. and when i watched Being Elmo. which is a precious documentary...(good favorite character pick Tripp.)

  2. praying for you!!

  3. thank you for sharing this with us-My daughter is in the arms of Jesus too (major heart defects-passed away 4 days before Hurricane Katrina in 2005) and you are soo right- if they cant be here with us in our arms there is no where I rather them be-Peace be with you -and God Bless

  4. Your amazing Courtney and I know he's up there watching over us which makes me very at ease to know he's my guardian angel. Love you sweety and miss that sweet baby boy everyday and I love him to the moon and back.

  5. Such a sweet little guy, and a smarty pants too! Hang in there.

  6. He was such a cute, sweet, baby, and a smarty pants too! Hang in there......

  7. Love, hugs and prayers from MO. Thanks for continuing to share your special blessing with us!!

  8. Oh my goodness, that is so sweet! It brought tears to my eyes.

  9. So very beautiful. Courtney, you are an inspiration to all mothers. The love you have for your sweet lil drummer boy is of the most pure. Sending many prayers your way to help you get stronger day by day.

  10. I follow your blog, I am inspired by you and your beautiful boy. This clip was so wonderful and so bittersweet- but then, I thought about him playing trucks in heaven, with Jesus and the Saints, and lots of other children...and I was so thankful for the faith that we have and for your willingness to let your little boy go dance with the angels. Can you imagine the party that will occur when you are reunited, and the pride he has as he looks down on you with Jesus and thinks...'that's MY mama'. Love.

  11. Courtney I can't imagine the emotions you feel as you watch this video knowing your little man is no longer here for you to hold. But now he is in God's arms, making him smile, with no pain. I know he's proud of you, and was so happy to have such a wonderful mommy. Thinking of you and Tripp always. :)

  12. Courtney I loved that video so much! I pray for you often and I love you so much!


  13. Courtney, not a day goes by that i don't think of Tripp, you and your family. your story has impacted me in a way that i can't even begin to describe. thank you for sharing Tripp with the rest of us. i continue to pray for your family and am also comforted by the fact that Tripp is in the arms of Jesus.

  14. How precious! No doubt he's still blowing you kisses from heaven... <3

  15. Sweet, loving and cute all the way are the words that comes to my mind every time when I think of him and you. May God bring you peace and strength everyday. Love you and Tripp always.


  16. Courtney- I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love.

    I am not gone
    I remain here beside you
    Just in a different form
    Look for me in your heart
    And there you will find me
    in our love which forever lives on

    In those moments when you feel alone
    Look for me in your thoughts
    And there you will find me
    in sweet memories that burn strong

    Every time a tear
    Forms in your beautiful eyes
    Look up to the heavens
    And there you will see me
    Smiling down from God’s glorious skies

  17. What a beautiful boy...praying for you Courtney...

  18. {{{ Hugs }}} always thinking of you & praying <3

  19. What a beautiful boy...praying for you Courtney...

  20. Oh Courtney...he is so beautiful. I miss him, I cannot even imagine what you feel watching this. He is so vibrant and full of life, the way he is up in heaven right now...Much love for you and your sweet baby angel...

  21. Still thinking about you, Dear Courtney and praying for you. It is a privilege to be able to lift you before the Creator of the Universe knowing that He is the only one who could ever bring you any comfort.
    Lots of Love,

  22. Hi Courtney,

    I'm praying for you every day. Thanks for sharing some of your memories with us.


  23. Thinking of you and Tripp today as I do every day. I hope that your heart is beginning to heal a little bit. Your words are beautiful and so is your soul. Tripp is one lucky little boy to have such a sweet and loving Mommy. God chose you for good reason! Watching his videos makes my heart smile. what an amazing little guy.

  24. Courtney. I've been in town visiting family and spotted Tripp's grave as soon as I passed it.
    I've been to visit twice and my heart is breaking all over again at how wrong it is that that little Angel Boy is not here in your arms.

  25. He was (is!) a sweet and perfect little boy!!! He has always been an angel. :)

  26. Courtney, thank you so much for sharing your son's beautiful story. I just recently came across this site. Your journey with Tripp has been so amazing and very much inspiring. I decided that I wanted to learn about his life from the beginning so each night I spent reading one month of his story. I love all of the adorable pictures and videos of him I mean what a cutie! He was such an amazing little boy and I can only imagine the emptiness your heart feels. I know Tripp is smiling at his mommy from the heaven above. He was and continues to be a sweetest little angel. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your favorite Little Man.

  27. I can't even imagine how you're feeling without your baby boy! My heart still breaks for yours! Thank you that you continue to keep him alive for all of us who's lives he's touched, by continuing to share your heart and these videos! God Bless you and your family Courtney!

  28. Your courage and faith are so inspiring, Courtney. Always know how much you and your precious Tripp have taught so many people about love and bravery.
    Thank you for sharing your stories and this sweet video.
    Thinking of you
    Cheryl Lytell

  29. I'm so thankful for your faith too. Jesus is working through you, continuing to do big things for so many. I continue to pray that God would bless you and comfort you through this time. I can't even imagine how your heart must hurt and your arms ache. Thank you for sharing your faith with all of us. I smile when I think about the joyful reunion you will have with Tripp in Heaven, but I also hope for many joy-filled moments and blessings for you to fill the time before then. Hugs, mama.

  30. Courtney, thank you so much for sharing your son's beautiful story. I just recently came across this site. Your journey with Tripp has been so amazing and very much inspiring. I decided that I wanted to learn about his life from the beginning so each night I spent reading one month of his story. I love all of the adorable pictures and videos of him I mean what a cutie! He was such an amazing little boy and I can only imagine the emptiness your heart feels. I know Tripp is smiling at his mommy from the heaven above. He was and continues to be a sweetest little angel. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your favorite Little Man.

  31. You are right about that "in the arms of Jesus", Courtney. He was an amazing little sweetheart for sure. I hope our baby is as smart as Tripp. Stay strong and busy :)

    Hugs & Blessings!

  32. Oh Courtney, My heart still hurts for you. Thank you for posting, I think of you every day.

  33. We all still love Tripp....and you. We will never forget him. :) Thanks for sharing this small part of his very special life with us. What a super smart and adorable kid.

  34. I can never get enough Tripp videos. He was so smart and so special. Keep them coming! Girl, I am praying for you every day.

  35. Thanks for including us on the cherished memories. Don't know how to explain it, but without ever even having the pleasure of meeting him or you, we as a blog family, "cherish" the two of you! Still c.o.n.s.t.a.n.t.l.y lifting you up in prayer as I would imagine that your heart aches more and more. I wish that God created us so that we could physically bear some of the pain of others' when their hearts are broken. As you are well aware, that isn't the case...I sure wish that he designed us with that capability, because we would all sign up with hopes of lessening your pain. Hang in there girl, we love you. (sidebar - My 5 yr old and 3 yr old interject a clause at the end of every one of our meal prayers that goes like this...whoever is saying the prayer says "Amen" & my just made 5 yr old says, "And thank you God for Tripp." And my just made 3 yr old follows with, "And please help Tripp's mama Ms. Courtney" You have people of all ages lifting you up and mega excited to meet Tripp one day!!!

  36. Thinking of you on this special day.

  37. Courtney, I continue to pray for you daily. I know that things are so hard and you are hurting more than you even imagined. I would do anything to ease that. I am praying that God will give you peace and healing. Thank you for continuing to share your journey on your blog. I look forward to your posts. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the videos of sweet Tripp. Even though I have never met you, I feel so honored to know you through your posts. You are an amazing woman.

  38. courtney,
    you are constantly in my thoughts and my prayers. you are wonderful. may God give you all the strength and love you need right now. You have my love all the way from Cyprus (europe),

  39. i have 23 candles burning.1 for tripp and 22 for de children who have died in a terrible bus accident in zwitserland :(
    tripp and the childeren are in de hands of god.23 pearls shining

  40. Everytime I watch a video of Tripp makes me realize (even more) that he had the best mommy ever, how you made his life so wonderful! He must be blowing you those sweet kisses all the time.
    Love and hugs from Spain

  41. What a sweet little guy, I know what a blessing he was while he was here with you. I admire you so much... I know your pain is still there but knowing Tripp is healed and safe with the Lord would take away some of that. Sending you love and prayers...

  42. Courtney,
    Thanks for keeping all of us updated on how you are doing. I really do think of you and Tripp every single day. I am amazed at your strength and your faith. You are an inspiration! Sending lots of love and prayers your way. Gloria in Virginia
    P.S. I could never grow tired of seeing the videos of Tripp - what a wonderful personality. Thanks for sharing that with us.

  43. I think of you often. Everytime I see anything butterfly related, I want to buy it and send it to you. We miss Tripp very much. I am happy he is at peace but I miss him for you. Hang in there, we love you.

  44. Dear Courtney,I think of you everyday. I think of Tripp, always. I miss him so much. I will keep praying for you and keeping you in my thoughts. I love Tripp so much.

  45. I was thinking of you all day yesterday and praying you were doing well (as well as can be expected). Thank you so much for sharing that video with us. He was so smart and so blessed to have such a wonderful mother and family. Miss you little man!

  46. You are so strong! My thoughts & prayers are with you always.

  47. Sweet Courtney...not a day goes by that I don't think of you or sweet lil' Tripp. You are the bravest soul that I 'know.' God Bless you and your wonderful family!

    Sending lots of love-
    Mary and Baby Jackson

  48. Praying for you all the time Courtney.....I will never forget the strength and faith in God that you have shown. When I first heard your story I just cried and cried and wondered why God would have such a wonderful mother suffer the loss of her child when so many awful parents are given healthy children that they harm or neglect....but now I realize it was BECAUSE you were such an amazing mother/person that you were given such a special, beautiful child to care for. Your reward is on the other side and I know you will be holding that precious boy in your arms again soon....much love to you and I thank you for all the beautiful lessons both you and Trip have taught us.

  49. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. You are a wonderful mother and I hope that you have all the happiness God can grant you, until you and Tripp are united in Heaven.

  50. I'm thinking of you all the time, Courtney, and praying for you and your family. I love that video of Tripp. What a sweet, sassy, smart boy. Thank you for letting us know how you're doing, even in these extremely difficult days.

  51. you are on my mind and in my prayers so much...praying for peace for you that only our Jesus can give. You gave all you had to Tripp and he would want you to have comfort knowing he is with Jesus!!! I pray God will wrap his loving arms around you and help ease this grief one day at a time!

  52. Courtney, I never knew I could have so much love in my heart for someone that I have never met. Your story inspires me to be a better mom to my boys. My oldest son and I are dealing with some issues related to c-section birth trauma (pale in comparison to what you did for Trip) and when I feel like I am at the end of my rope I just think of you and all the love and devotion you gave your son and I am able to pull myself together and keep going. Thank you for sharing the beautiful moments and memories that you have of Trip. He was a sweet, special, loving little man. Hugs to you!

  53. OMG he was such a cute and smart little boy! How precious is that video? It made my heart melt. I've never commented on your blog before but I can't help but see the amazing person that your son is and always will be and how lucky you must feel to be his mommy. Praying for your family always :)

  54. Hi, Courtney....Much love to you and your precious angel boy. Wishing you many nights of sweet dreams of holding him tight, hugging, kissing and laughing like crazy! Peggy

  55. Thinking of you today! Great video!
    Lots of love and prayers, LeAnn Turner

  56. thank you for posting videos of sweet Tripp. i laughed out loud at his antics. it was a joy to view them & to laugh. thinking of you!

  57. You are an amazing woman of God ........Courtney.. you and Tripp are never far from my thoughts, and in my prayers. I am so sorry that today you are longing for your little angel.....I pray that you would feel comforted even now......:-)

  58. what a cutie! Loved the video, tears streaming down my cheeks the whole time. I think of all of you often, you are so inspiring. You have such a gift of writing, and I am glad you are continuing this blog. Tripp is truly an angel. Thank you for sharing him with us. Praying for you always

  59. Dear Courtney, you are in my prayers every night and I constantly think about Tripp and you. Yesterday I felt so sad as I realised it was 14 March and that made me aware that two months had passed since Angel Tripp grew his wings. I wondered how you were feeling especially knowing that these special days are particularly hard... Thank you so much for sharing with us another beautiful memory of Tripp. It makes me feel his presence so tangible! He's so precious, so funny and full of joy, a real inspiration.
    You are so right when you say that if he can't be in your arms then he could not be in a better place than in Jesus' arms. I like to think that he's resting for a while in Jesus'a arms, just enough so that when he awakes you will be there to surprise him with a kiss and with a smile.
    Lots of love,

  60. Oh, Courtney, Tripp is the most beautiful baby. I thought of you all day on March 14th. I think of you every day, but especially on these difficult milestones. I can't believe he is not in your arms. That makes me weep. Tripp is smiling down upon you, holding tight to Jesus' loving, healing arms. He will hold tight to Jesus until you are reunited. And what a glorious reunion that will be. Stay strong and know that you have the world behind you, Courtney, lifting you up in prayer. Sending you all of our love from Laguna Beach, CA. Love, Laura Lee, Jeremy and Baby Lance xoxo

  61. That was the sweetest most precious video!!!

  62. he encotrado tu blog y ahora mismo estoy llorando , hace mucho que no lloraba.
    no lloro de pena..
    he leido un poco
    he visto algunos videos
    he conocido a tu increible hijo

    tu te preguntabas como aun era capaz de sonrreir?
    yo creo que gracias a su mama
    tu no has perdido la sonrrisa para el
    por eso te mereces lo mejor

    por mi parte mirare tu blog cuando me encuentre triste
    por que es una alegria para el alñama encotrar gente como vosotros

    dejame que te diga que el mundo se ha perdido un ARTISTA
    que ritmo ¡¡ que habilidad ¡¡
    que manos mas diestras ¡¡


  63. Courtney, my heart breaks for you. What another sweet video of your adorable Tripp. I miss him and I've never even met him. I pray the Lord comforts you as you ache to hold your baby. Thanks for being such an amazing example.

  64. Courtney, prayers coming your way. He was such a special gift. Now, he's your Guardian Angel, and he'll be in your heart forever. Take some time to heal, and to pamper yourself. You deserve it. And then, see what God has planned for you next. You are a very special person, so I'm sure his plan for you will be special, too. I think of Tripp and you frequently, happiness will find you.
    Love & Prayers from S. Carolina,
    Carla Spradlin

  65. Thinking of you on this special day,

    greetings from Finland.

    Big hugs from me

  66. While watching Sesame Street the other day, the Butterfly song came on Elmo. I immediately thought of you and your sweet boy. :)
    There is a song by Watermark that Christy Nockels wrote after suffering through 2 miscarriages. There is a line the song that says, "So baby just let Jesus hold you...til mom and dad can hold you. you'll just have heaven before we do." Your sweet baby is so happy and healthy and safe and smiling (and probably singing and dancing too!) in heaven with the Lord right now. Praying for you!

  67. Precious precious video...what a priceless gift for the Lord to have given you so many precious memories...thank you for continuing to share. Seeing Tripp's FUN little personality, can you just imagine all the funny things he's saying to Jesus??

    Praying for you daily, sweet Courtney, that God would surround you with His peace and love, and that you would continue to find great hope and comfort in knowing where Tripp is, and in how much your story is spreading the love of Christ around the world.

    Love and Prayers from Texas.

  68. My heart goes out to you, everyday, Courtney, because not a single day goes by when I don't think about Tripp; he's had such an impact on my life. Thank you for sharing another wonderful video of him: he's such a beautiful, clever little boy. As always, the thoughts, prayers, and love of my family and I are with you.

  69. Just a few minutes ago, I heard the Jason Mraz song, "I'm Yours" and it made me think of the videos of Tripp dancing to the Sesame Street version of that song. Those are some of my favorite videos of him. He always makes me smile! Seems like so many things I see daily bring Tripp and you to my mind. I saw two butterflies in the yard this unusual here in March. You both have touched my heart in unspeakable ways. Thank you for continuing to share your journey. Praying for daily peace and strength for you.

  70. I can't imagine Courtney :-( Will keep praying for you and believing that God is still working through our little St. Tripp who has gone on to the presence of Christ.

  71. Thank you for sharing this bit of sweetness. You and Tripp are in our hearts, I think about your little man everyday. Sending you prayers of strength and peace...

  72. Courtney, you and your family are always on my mind. I pray for y'all and so do all my friends. I have added an EB page to my FB page. Thank you for being you. God bless you. I know that Tripp is still drumming for Jesus. Hugs. Much love/Edmay

  73. I pray for you all the time. So thankful that you and Tripp both changed my life.

  74. You are in my prayers literally every day. I feel like your long distance grandma. It's always wonderful to have you update your blog. Keep us all informed. We love you and are at the ready to support you in any way you need. Love to you and all the family!!!

  75. Thinking of you and Tripp today. Much love to you!

  76. Hi Courtney - I have been following your blog and was so saddened by the passing of Tripp. What a miracle boy he is! I felt so sad for you - and then, it happened. To me. On March 1st, I lost my only child, my 24 year old miracle boy of my own, when his apartment caught fire. He did not survive. I know I should feel the way you do - that he was safely swept into Jesus's waiting arms, that he didn't suffer, etc......but my faith is being tested to it's max, to my very core. Now I completely understand how you felt, those first few weeks. This is by far the hardest days of my life. I just wanted to ask for your prayers as we grieve his passing (his name is Jonathan Paul Daily) and try to move forward without him. And I will keep praying for you too.


    Diane Taylor
    (a grieving yet proud mom)

  77. Awww...Tripp is precious! That video brought tears to my eyes...what sweet memories for you! Thinking of you...hugs...

  78. Just wanted to stop by and let you know I'm thinking of you. I was getting my haircut today, another customer there was telling me she followed you blog too, you and Tripp have touched so many people. I hope your getting through what much be a horribly difficult time! Love, Nicole (from Utah)

  79. I never tire of watching you and Tripp. He is so precious and your love for each other is very dear.

  80. Courtney,

    When Jesus was tempted in the desert by the devil to turn bread into wine, he said: "One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).

    It is so easy to forget that we are made for God and that God is the true and ultimate source of our lives. There are so many distractions in the world. This is why God would often call people to fast and give alms; to give up the things of the world, in order to allow God to take his rightful place in their lives.

    In the Gospel of John, Jesus said this: "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst" (John 6:35). In Lent, we give up the things of the world, in order to live by the true Bread of Life and the Word of God.

    Courtney, I hope you and your family have a good and holy Lent and that you experience an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. I'm sure Tripp is praying for a powerful grace for his mom, his family and the whole world.


  81. Courtney,

    When Jesus was tempted in the desert by the devil to turn stones into bread, he said: "One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).

    It is so easy to forget that we are made for God and that God is the true and ultimate source of our lives. This is why God would often call people to fast and give alms; to give up the things of the world and to allow God to take his rightful place in their lives.

    In the Gospel of John, Jesus said this: "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst" (John 6:35). In Lent, we give up the things of the world in order to live by the true Bread of Life and the Word of God.

    Courtney, I hope you have a good and holy Lent and that you experience an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. I'm sure Tripp is praying for a powerful grace for his mom, his family and the whole world.


  82. I've been thinking about you, sweet Courtney. Praying that you'll continue to have peace, strength and hope for each day. Praise God that you are clinging to Him!

    Love from TX,

  83. This is the first time Ive posted...I just want you to know that you and Tripp are in my prayers every night, and I check this blog every single day because I feel like I need to make sure you're ok. (Which I know must sound ridiculous to you because HOW COULD YOU BE OK?) I couldnt imagine the pain that you must be feeling and I just pray that with time you can continue to have some more peace knowing that Tripp is in Heaven and always watching over you with love and PRIDE in the amazing woman that you are. You guys have completely changed my life. When it feels like Im having a "bad" day with my son, I think of you and the way you were with Tripp and my bad day is instantly put in persepective. Since stumbling upon your blog I have become a much more patient mother and wife. YOU have made me into a better mother. Im sure none of this really helps with your pain, but I just wanted to let you know that you and Tripp have forever changed my life. Thank you for sharing his beautiful life with me. He will NEVER be forgotten.

  84. Praying for you are loved.

  85. I love your blog!!! I have found so much inspiration from you and your story. I’ve just started my blog up again ( My son was just diagnosed with Williams Syndrome and we are sharing our journey and spreading awareness. Will you check it out and follow us in return! Thanks a million. Have no fear you have a new blog stalker. Much Love Ashley Dunaway

  86. That is so precious. You are a darling mother. We are so fortunate to live in a day and age when photos and videos of our loved ones are easily made and viewed. They are a comfort, aren't they?

  87. Courtney,
    I just saw on Vanessa's blog how you and your mom were there to help them out with Anton. I can't help but think of Tripp in Heaven smiling down and saying "That's my mom, isn't she awesome!!!"

    Sure can tell the EB Community is family!

    Praying from Waterford, MI

  88. I wanted to comment on the FB post and pic with your mother, you and Anton but for some reason the option wasn't there, so I will do it here. I know you hear (read) this a lot, so I don't know how much it means to you at this point. I think something said too much sometimes loses it's impact, but here it is are amazing. To me, having just lost your precious child, it would be too much to be around another child with the same affliction (aka terrible horrible disease) so soon after losing my own. But you can. You did. You are giving invaluable time, advice and help to Vanessa Delgado. That is just so awesome.

  89. Just wanted tote you know I thought of Tripp today and he gave me a boost to have courage. He is my warrior and lives inky heart even though we didnT meet. Know he touched many in his life

  90. Hi Courtney. I think of you and Tripp often. I started to follow your blog right before Tripp passed away, but it didn't take me long to love that little boy.
    I'm wondering if you would be interested in sharing Tripp's story on my blog. I'm a fellow angel mommy. My son passed away when he was ten weeks old from a congenital heart defect. I've started a project on my blog about sharing those precious angels gone too soon. I would love to have Tripp's story on there.
    If you are interested you can email me:

    My blog is

    Much love <3

  91. Thinking of you, remembering Tripp and praying God's peace for you.

  92. Hi Courtney and Family:

    I often think of Tripp and wonder how your family is doing. I am just waiting for one day to read your book! Do you ever have plans to return to nursing (it seems like such a natural fit for you)? Thinking/praying for you and the family.

    - Joanna, Joseph and Jude
    Madison, WI

  93. Courtney, You are in my thoughts and prayers daily! :)

  94. Still thinking about you and praying for you.

  95. Stay strong, dear. You'll always have wonderful memories of Tripp.

    LPN Programs

  96. Courtney,

    I'm not sure I can say anything more to you that has not already been said. You are a terrific mother and an excellent writer. Your blog tells your story very well. I am a mother of four and I am embarrassed by my lack of patience some times. The videos of you with your son Tripp are simply beautiful and so precious. You are in inspiration! I must also add that after the first night of reading your story, I opened up the bible for the first time in many years (despite the fact that I do go routinely to church, I'm embarrassed to say). Thanks for showing the world your love for your son and for allowing us to get to know Tripp. I have never met you in person but now when I ever see Elmo in the store, I think of your little boy. I hope that you get some well deserved peace and happiness and that your heart begins to heal.

    A friend in VA,
