THIS was his first trip to the grocery store!!....LOVE IT.

This was one of our bath times... this picture could possibly be one of my favorites
He's thinking.... "Hmm... God sure does have a sense of humor."

All done Big Boy!!!

This "Chicks Dig Me" Shirt is size 2T! Look at my little hefer!

Saturday night C&D Plumbing and the Norco Booster Club put on a fundraiser for Tripp at New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood in LaPlace. It was really nice. Randy, Tripp, Aunt Kay Kay and I all went. And of course, as soon as we got there, he puked ALLLLL over himself. Nice. This is him in the restaurant.

We stayed at Grammy and Papa's Saturday because daddy went to play golf with Papa and Uncle Jason on Sunday, and then we had a family reunion. I didn't think it was appropriate for him to wear his new shirt that Aunt Kay Kay bought him to his fundraiser.... So we wore it to the family reunion.
Classy, huh?
"Hooray for Boobies!!"

4 Generations!!!
We stayed outside for about.... hmmm, 5 minutes total all day.

Grammy made us our own little nursery at her house. Tripp has his own crib and own dressing table. Not that we make it there often, but when we do it's really nice! This is him in his crib at Grammy and Papa's.

This is Tripp in our bed with his new little toy he loves to hold. It's just the right size for him to hold in his hands. All his other toys came with names, and this one didn't, so I thought I'd let daddy name it. Well, we won't tell you what he named it. Let's just say Tripp couldn't bring it to show and tell. Ha.

Here is Tripp and his new friend Parker. My friend Summer brought her little boy over to play yesterday. They had fun together. Tripp was pretty excited to see someone his own size!!

Today me, Grammy, and Tripp went to the Tanger outlet. I wanted to go to Carter and The Children's Place, and Osh Kosh... Well I have to say I was VERY disappointed. There was nothing but long sleeve clothes, jackets, and sweat pants. I KNOW it's getting to be winter, but come on it's still 95 degrees outside... give me some short-sleeved stuff. I officially know that I need to open an EB clothing store. Now I know I wouldn't have too many customers, but I know all of my customers would be realllly happy!! And I already had EVERY single soft blanket they had in all the stores, so I couldn't buy blankets... SO we bought every soft toy we could find, and we fell in LOVE with these two toys. It's a soft green elephant and a soft blue dog, and when you press their hands, they sing and wiggle their feet just like Tripp does. They are SOO cute. I think me and my mom liked them WAY more than Tripp. He just looked scared. Ha. And we bought him a new "Baloo" to chew on, except it's a really soft monkey. It doesn't have a name yet but we are working on it! Tripp loves it though! He won't let it go!!

Well, I think that covers our weekend. God Bless our beautiful, strong, amazing little boy.
Precious...and Courtney you are such an inspiration...