Baby boy smiled for the first time since surgery yesterday. Then Mommy cried because he smiled. Ha. Today, he hasn't been very happy... but I thought this was the cutest thing in the world, it broke my heart! He was playing with all his new "hospital" toys (because you KNOW he had to get hospital presents), and nothing was really doing the trick.. I guess he didn't recognize anything from home. MeMe had taken Ernie home to wash him, so I just got him back. When I put Ernie in front of his face, he freaked out and started smiling, and picked his hands up to grab him! It was freaken adorable. He loves Ernie.

Ok, so as if I already don't have enough to carry around when I travel with Tripp.... NOW we have a whole new set of supplies. Most of the supplies have to be with him 24-7. The guy came in and explained everything to me today. And not to mention that I only have ONE outlet close to Tripp's bed.. and I now have 3 things to plug in for him at night. UGH. Wanna see?
I know this will not be surprising to you, but Tripp is almost 6 months old and now has his own portable DVD player. I know, he is absolutely spoiled rotten, but he deserves it. It's working out pretty well, because I just set it in the crib and he has something to look at... because he can't see the T.V. good from his crib... and he likes to watch cartoons.

He sat up today after being changed and was smiling and in a pretty good mood... Look at these chubby cheeks!!

So that's pretty much the update.. we are doing good, better day by day. Hopefully every day will get easier and easier. I was saying today that before we came into the hospital, I was JUST starting to get comfortable with everything... the tube, dressing changes, feedings, everything. And NOW, it's like I have to start all over again. BUT.... I know it will become second nature. It will just take time. And I have NOTHING but TIME!!
Will update again soon!
God Bless, and thanks so much for all the prayers.
Yay, I get to be first! You are simply amazing and wonderfully positive. It is SO GOOD to see Tripp awake and smiling some of the time. I really admire your Love for him. I will include you in my prayers - God Bless you!
ReplyDeleteHey there. been following Tripp's story for a while, he is adorable and quite the trooper.
ReplyDeleteI am a nurse at OLOL, are you all there???
I found you through baby Jonah's blog ~ praying for all of you, especially that beautiful little boy.
ReplyDeleteSo, so happy to see him smiling again! So glad to hear you're ok too. I wish so bad I could be there with you to take care of him all the time. He's alot of work, but he's the best! I know you must wish so bad that you could just stop time, just have everything STOP to get yourself together. It must be sooo difficult to be constantly on the go into unknown areas that always require your undivided attention. I love you and I'm always here for you, especially when you need to vent or talk about the stuff no one else would want to hear about. I'm so glad you have this blog and care about all of us enough to take the time out of your very busy life to share with us! hugs n kisses.
ReplyDeleteI am so enamored by your son. His amazing spirit shines right through.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to read that things are going as well as they are. I know you are tired and sad and frustrated. I pray God gives you peace and strength each day. I will continue to pray for Tripp.
Oh my God. He is so cute and what a smile. So glad he is smiling, it will make you guys feel so much better. It WILL get better with every passing day. Remember you are not alone, your EB family is behind you 100% and praying for your precious son. Take care. Love Leah's Nana
ReplyDeleteWay to go Court! You are truly amazing and so is little Tripp. Everything takes getting used to and you are doing wonderful. I can't imagine and am so inspired by your strength. Where do you think Tripp gets it from?? He sees how strong you are for him and he wants to return the favor. :) I Love you and will always be praying! Love, Sheri